
Showing posts from September, 2018

All About Me: My Body

                            Literacy                                             Find the body parts word cards in my store at: Product/Body-Parts-Printable- Activities-and-Worksheets-3943622 Ask a child to lie on a big piece of white paper. Trace around their body. Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5 and ask them to color the body. Put the finished pictures up on the bulletin board and label all the body parts. Body Parts Cut-and-Paste worksheet

All About Me Theme: My Emotions

                                  CIRCLE TIME ACTIVITIES Children draw a picture of themselves on a small square piece of paper. They then stick it on the graph under the correct emotion and tell the rest of the class why they feel like that. Letter sound 'A' flashcard games: * Sit in a circle. Pass the cards around while music is playing. When music stops, each child names the picture on the card. * Place the cards at different spots around the room. Ask one child at a time to go and find the card the teacher names. * Place four cards at a time in the pocket chart. Ask children to close their eyes. take away one card. Children open their eyes and name the missing card. Change the Helping Hand classroom jobs each Monday. Teacher holds the craft sticks with the children's names on it. Show the children their names and ask each child to choose a job. Place name in correct Helping Hand pocket. Find the printable jobs in my store at: https://www.tea